Retail Merchandising The Definitive Guide Operations and Standards

Leaving some room allows customers to slow down and appreciate your offerings, and it makes your space look like it was thoughtfully laid out and curated. Customers can become uncomfortable when others bump into them or when they bump into other displays while they are browsing. They may even move away from merchandise that interests them just to avoid feeling confined and crowded. Ensure shoppers can move freely between displays and through aisles.

Finding the right price point can spell the difference between making a profit on an item or taking a loss. One of the easiest ways to seat a price is to employ a cost-plus pricing strategy. Under this arrangement, the merchandiser considers her cost for the item and then adds a profit margin or mark up to determine the selling price. Variations of this strategy can also include fixed and variable costs with some flexibility to adjust pricing if demand is not strong enough to support a higher, initial price. Merchandisers need to have a place to put their items on display for consumer review.

  1. Employees that can’t access results miss this essential information and are less empowered to problem solve on their own.
  2. Perform a perimeter walk to check that products and promotions are displayed correctly, then assess the stock levels of the sales floor, key walls, displays, and POS.
  3. Think of the last time you went shopping for food, household items, or personal supplies.

The location of the product is of prime importance since it decides the accessibility to the customer. For example you would expect to see a ‘sale’ product on a trestle table near the front entrance; whereas you might see a new range displayed on a mannequin with accessories close by. Refer to the Merchandising category for checklists, how-tos and best practices for merchandising. Rework confusing displays so the customer can easily read signage and absorb the display’s purpose without difficulty.

After 90 days, a retailer needs to get rid of their merchandise. Because seasons are three months long and consumption habits for specialty items follow seasonal trends. This may change if you’re a big, high-volume store that needs only about two weeks worth of merchandise at any given time.

Merchandise Meaning

Examples of merchandise include clothes, shoes, furniture, electronics, cleaning products, and food products among others. Figure that out, and factor it into your merchandising strategy. No matter what products you sell, you can make them more appealing and accessible with targeted merchandising. Customers used to be satisfied with simply touching and feeling merchandise. Make sure your displays include a way for the customer to «experience» the product. Retail audit software allows an organization to create any number of checklists, which means stores can also self-audit.

If you use software, view your collaborative calendar to see to schedule audits, see where audits are in progress and where audits have yet to occur. Once you have a good base, you are ready to start incorporating more layers and techniques. Place displays in strategic hot spot areas such as the end of aisles, the POS, and to the right of the DZ. Look out for damaged displays with broken or missing pieces, burnt out lights, peeling stickers, faded signs or fraying flooring that could become a trip hazard. Designing your space to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) guidelines is a win-win.

What are the 6 Rights of Merchandising Costco?

Shoppers are used to documenting their activities and that includes their retail experiences. It is worth the investment so that your store looks as good in photos as it does in person. 200+ million Instagrammers visit at least one business profile daily, and 60% of consumers say they discover new products via Instagram. Sharing result also gets everyone on the same page and can help stimulate conversations around goal setting and improvement.

Merchandising Business

Likewise, certain promotional signage may not apply to all retail banners in a merchandiser’s territory. At the core of any successful audit program is a checklist covering key compliance areas. Below we detail best practices to consider for building a merchandising audit checklist and executing a merchandising audit program. Merchandising audits, also called Store Walks or Store Visits, drive higher compliance with brand standards at store level. They increase sales and profit margins, boost customer satisfaction and cut business risks. Merchandising can be defined as a business practice that involves marketing and selling products for individual customers to purchase in small quantities.

This may include a store window, a retail floor display and online through the company’s website. Product placement in movies and on television is another way for you to market your wares. In the movie, “I Robot,” Will Smith opened up a box of Converse All-Stars sneakers, a scene that some critics had difficulty relating to the plot. Merchandising basics can be challenging, especially when some retailers don’t know exactly what the term means in practice. If you don’t have a clear working definition, it’s tough to succeed at merchandising your store and turning a profit.

Review with the team and adjust

Displays should tell a story with the use of simple marketing, a few props, and your product. Retailers only have .9 seconds to convince a customer to engage with their display. If the customer can’t understand the item itself, your brand or the service being offered – it is not effective. A sign should never be so large or aggressive that it steals attention away from the product!

Familiarize yourself with the current ownership and management. Look up, compare and analyze past audits so you can put the latest information into perspective. Look for trends, repeat unacceptables and location to district averages. If you have any notes or questions, compile them ahead of time. Retail audit software can help by allowing you to run reports to see location trends as well as have a store’s entire audit history ready for review.

Assign points and, if you are using software, make use of a “Critical” flag accordingly. A “Critical” item sets the value of the entire section to zero, regardless of other items, if found non-compliant during the visit. With software, you don’t need to worry about keeping track of the total score. Scores are automatically calculated including the visit score and a score by section as the visit takes place. While it is easy to think of everything as important, some items are often more important than others, even critical to the continued success of the business. Seasonal merchandising and CPG-paid bulk floor displays come to mind.

Know Your Rights

Below, we highlight the top 10 most common merchandising mistakes that can hamper your store’s engagement and conversion, and what you can do about them. Think about your 6 rights of merchandising customer base or the consumers attention you want to capture. For instance, Penguin Random House celebrated International Women’s Day with a pop-up bookshop in London.

Examples of such businesses are grocery stores, drug stores, and clothing stores. The important factor to note is that all retail businesses buy their products from wholesalers or manufacturers and sell them to end consumers. Companies who provide services are not considered merchandising businesses, unless they offer merchandise as part of their service. For instance, if you go to a tanning salon, the tanning session is considered a service. However, if the salon offers tanning lotions, creams, and tanning enhancers, it could be considered a merchandising business because it has products available for you to purchase. Product merchandising refers to the advertising activities used to sell a product.

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